LP – Learn More About Predictive Scoring with Fenris


Name + Address = Enriched Customer Profile

With custom scoring-as-a-service solutions from Fenris Digital, carriers, brokers, agencies, and intermediaries can cost-effectively find out what they need to know about customers and prospects with just a name and address. The results?

For one customer, Fenris instant scoring assigned inbound calls a ranking of 0 to 4, with a score of 4 being “4x more likely to close.” By prioritizing the 4xers, this company increased close rates by 5% and generated a 25% revenue growth by closing better prospects— adding millions of dollars to the bottom line.

In this paper, we’ll look at three use cases to show how it works. An informed and personalized customer journey can optimize channel performance, accelerate growth, and reduce the cost of customer acquisition.

Fenris Scoring-as-a-Service Download the Case Study

How Custom Scoring-as-a-Service Works

Fenris Digital creates a custom machine learning algorithm that scores applicants based on a company’s unique target profiles and desired customer characteristics. The results are based on analysis of thousands of data points across our curated, non-FCRA data sources that cover 255 million individuals and 130 million households in the U.S.

Pricing is per-API call and is a fraction of what it would cost to have your own data science team and acquire and curate multiple third-party data sets. Models are continuously tuned to prevent drift and to continuously learn from results, so that your scoring algorithm is unique in optimizing your end results. Read the case studies and see how we can help your business.