Fenris Blog

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Revolutionizing Commercial Insurance: How Fenris is Changing the Game

Real-time Data and Insight is Changing How Commercial Insurance Risk is Identified and Quoted In the complex world of commercial insurance, agents and brokers often grapple with the daunting task of accurately gathering application data. The average time to close a…

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Navigating Commercial Markets: Opportunity or Crisis?

With carriers like Nationwide and Allstate pulling out of large commercial markets and more carriers likely to follow suit, are you ready to seize the opportunity? Why Your Company Needs the Human Element and AI in 2024 According to USI, commercial…

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Five Ways Fenris Insight Can Help You Grow Your Insurance Business

Demand for AI-enabled solutions has skyrocketed.  At Fenris, we deploy one of the insurance industry’s most sophisticated machine learning platforms, delivering AI-predictive insights for real-time optimization.  Our base algorithms, informed by tens of millions of interactions, help our clients improve outcomes…

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Probabilities and Percentiles: A 3-Part Series

Machine learning is mainstream in our products and an excellent way to deliver predictive, real-time insights. In some cases, however, the terminology used by data scientists might be unfamiliar to key decision makers. Read on to learn more in our 3-part…

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Exciting Developments at Fenris

Fenris Digital is working every day to provide clients like you the data and insight you rely upon as you seek to modernize your customer acquisition experience.   Prefill Enhancements You Need to Know About Industry-leading Speed All of Fenris Prefill…

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6 Things to Ask Before Choosing an Insurance Application Data Prefill Solution

Application data prefill is the Swiss army knife of the insurance industry, reducing acquisition costs and increasing profitability. For starters, customers today simply won’t tolerate lengthy application forms. By cutting out a lot of time and typing, prefill delivers a better…

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Taking Time to Recognize Our Two Biggest Assets: Our Employees and Clients

As summer winds down and we gear up for what is typically our whirlwind conference and events season, we’re taking some time to regroup and recognize our clients and employees – and show them what they mean to us. This past…

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Meet us at Contact.IO 2023!

Our team is headed to the Contact.IO conference in Denver, CO August 30 – September 1! We are excited to brush shoulders with over 700 Pay-Per-Call marketers, call center executives, entrepreneurs, and technology leaders from telephony, financial services, healthcare, home services,…

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Centralizing Project Management Tasks with doit

At Fenris, we like to focus on fast and clean deployments. To achieve this, we use a plethora of tools to cover our needs for styling, testing, building, and publishing our code. For years, we’ve been using doit, a task management…

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