Sales Is a Numbers Game. Fenris Helps You Stack the Numbers in Your Favor.

Fenris Insight for Leads

Verify that Your Lead is Viable and Reachable Before You Buy

Leads cost money, whether you buy them or generate them yourself. Ask yourself these questions:

Are you accepting leads that don't match your offerings?

Are you spending too much per lead?

Are your leads fake and unreachable?

If the answer is yes to any of these, then Fenris Lead Insight is for you.

Fenris Lead Insight lets you know whether a lead contains valid information and can be reached via one or more communication channels. It also tells you if the lead resides at the address provided.

Our APIs also return a score indicating how likely you are to contact this person so you can route the request to the appropriate channel or return the lead to the seller.

It is designed to insure that any leads you are buying meet your parameters of quality—before they are purchased. Fenris’ reference database has more than 250 million individuals and 130 million households.

Lead Insight

Fenris Insight can let you know if the lead best meets your criteria—before you pay for it.

Applicant Insight

Fenris Insight can tell you which applicants are up to 10x more likely to buy from you.

Policyholder Insight

Get instant, accurate, updated data about every policyholder for cross-selling opportunities.

"Buyers and sellers of leads can now gain a better understanding of their audience."

~ Brian Ocheltree, President of LeadCloud